RYO’s Bronze KYC Verified Badge & Tier 1 Status through CertiK

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CertiK is a leading blockchain security company that audits smart contracts, blockchain protocols, and verifies project team identities through comprehensive KYC processes. In the cryptocurrency sector, where trust and transparency are crucial, CertiK’s assessments and KYC verifications help build confidence among users and investors.

The KYC Verified badge from CertiK signifies that a project has undergone their rigorous and in-depth due diligence KYC process. This badge ensures transparency and accountability, reducing fraud risk and enhancing trust. Unlike most projects that avoid transparency, receiving a KYC badge, especially for a new project like RYO, is notable.

We are pleased to have successfully passed every stage of the Certik KYC process and that RYO has been awarded the KYC Bronze Verified badge. This involved identity verification of core team members, ensuring no criminal backgrounds, and confirming professional credentials to demonstrate transparency, trust, and accountability. Additionally, we achieved Tier 1 status, which indicates that the core team operates in a country with top ratings for judicial cooperation, anti-money laundering, and corruption. This provides extra assurance about the project's reliability and integrity.

Our motivation for pursuing the KYC Verification from CertiK was to demonstrate our commitment to transparency and build trust with our users. This certification sets us apart by demonstrating our dedication to best practices, unlike many projects in the cryptocurrency space where team members often remain anonymous.

As our project matures, we will automatically be considered for the Silver and Gold badges. Preparations for these higher-level certifications include continuous KYC procedures, documentation updates, and regular internal reviews. We will ensure ongoing safety and security through regular team audits, maintaining up-to-date documentation, and implementing best practices for transparency and accountability.

Community members and users can support our ongoing commitment to transparency by engaging with our updates, sharing our achievements, and reinforcing trust in our platform. They can also vote for the RYO project on the Certik platform to reflect community support.

By achieving the Bronze KYC Verified Badge and Tier 1 Status through CertiK, RYO reaffirms its dedication to maintaining the highest standards of transparency, security, and integrity in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space.