RYO Cruise 2023

Guests celebrated RYO on the high seas in style with the Zenza Capital Team as they set sail in Kobe on the RYO CHRISTMAS CRUISE! During this exclusive experience, RYO enthusiasts were the first to hear the latest ground-breaking news and upcoming milestones from our strategic partners.

During the cruise, the Chairman of Zenza Capital announced that RYO is strategically positioned to launch globally with its upcoming Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) on three major exchanges outside of Japan in Q1 2024, followed by RYO’s Exchange Offering (EO) in Japan shortly thereafter. Exciting news was also released regarding the Company’s partner exchange's Crypto ATM Network, and guests were especially surprised to learn about RYO’s upcoming Manga Comic Book Series due to be launched this year. This thrilling cruise was certainly a memorable experience for all those fortunate enough to attend - there are so many great things to come for RYO in 2024!